Monday, May 24, 2010

Good Morning. #VFTC Another shot of the Tappen Zee Bridge. Goldie's looking different.

Howdy all.  Hope this Monday has found you hearty and hail.

Decided to dress Goldie up a bit.  Handles and a hood ornament.
She's looking spiffy.

I can dress her up....and take her out!

Have a great week.


South on I-87 in New York
Crossing the Tappen Zee Bridge over the
Hudson River.


Posted via email from heydriver's posterous

1 comment:

Larry Anderson said...

Nice shot. I always enjoy your "Good Morning" pics--nice to see what's happening on the other side of the country.

Now how about a clear shot of Goldie's hood ornament? Hard to make out exactly what it is here. :-)